Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Don't even read this

I have no idea how some people can just post so many posts about nothing and people still read it. I guess that was harsh, they don't post about nothing, they post about their lives which is just as bad...but I didn't just say that. I think more people should read my blog, that way I'd feel more important, but alas no one is desperately bored enough that they would except for Sars. (HI SARS!)

I had a raspberry jelly roll today. It was good but then I felt all guilty afterwards because I know I wasn't suppose to. I wonder what the world will be like when I'm older. Half the population of North America is obese (COUGH america's fault COUGH) and the other half are well on their way to obesity. Then there's that tiny population that actually work out, and eat healthy and do yoga and stuff like that. I could totally do yoga if I wanted to. I'm so flexible, that I can touch my toes if I wanted to. I can also do a cartwheel and stand on my back. Yeah, you wish you were this awesome.

Well I'm gonna go off and eat some more of my jelly roll while you guys...guy...girl read about it. OWWWWWWWW, my foot just cramped up ):


Saturday, March 7, 2009

You know you've reached the bottom when...

It's official. Dakota Fanning is now Jane in New Moon. Let me be the first to say we're all going to hell if this continues. It's not that she isn't a good actress, but this isn't her genre of movies and I have a feeling she's going to butcher this up. Another thing is that I'm disappointed because she only picked this movie due to the popularity. Let's face it, she wants to be the next Emma Watson. This time around though, I'll have better control of myself. I won't go and see it because I already saw how Twilight turned into the biggest crap movie made out of a book. Not even kidding, that's my honest opinion. There were good parts but that was only when Alice ripped James' head off and the part at the end which would have made for a better ending if the movie itself hadn't been such a letdown that i wanted to barf my brains out. Dakota Fanning sold out and now, she is nothing to me. I hated her movies before, they're all to serious for me but I respected her. Not anymore, she's a cheap sellout. She might as well be a prostitute for all I care because she's dunzo. Goodbye Dakota, have a nice time in h-e-double hockey sticks.

Notice how I'm a good girl. I don't actually say the word ;) JK

BTW; she can't play

Friday, February 13, 2009


Okay, I have most exciting and wierd news ever! Well not totally wierd, but kind of since it's like 11 - 12 years later and ... I'm not going to say what on my blog but let's just say I LOVE JOSS WHEDON! I find it funny how so many of my favourite shows or actors can come together in one movie or show because LA and Hollywood is so fricking tiny. When I get a job I'm going to visit LA and stay there for a month during the summer. I figure in the next 3 summers, I'm gonna somehow travel the world of the United States. I want to go to New York even though I've already been there on a multitude of occasions but not to do what I want. So my list goes as followed:

1. LA
2. somewhere cool in California
3. Chicago?
4. New York
5. other hot place. i hate the cold

I also want to travel the world.

1. Paris or other french places
2. London and England in general
3. Greece
4. other Canadian provinces

I'd love to be an actress. hard as this is to admit, Kristin Stewart. She has a nonchanlance about her. She's not all preppy and smiley and typical. I like the roles she plays in movies and I also like Kat now that I think about it. Wow, and they look sort of similar too. I'd love to star in a movie like Juno or Underworld...well I dunno. Something cool. But then it's one of those give and take situations in life. I can't be 'normal' and be in movies, and I use the term normal loosely here.

Omc, how could I have forgotten. I also really want to visit DISNEYLAND and DISNEYWORLD again.

This is wierd, because I started writing this with a totally different angle on what I was going to talk about. And now, it turns into this?? I really need to keep my mind from wandering.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

If I Had A Million Dollars...

I wouldn't have to worry so much about my future. Unfortunately, I don't have a million dollars and I'm as poor as a teenager can be. What really makes me worried is that my mother keeps on pointing at random hobos in the street and saying "If you don't get your grades up, you're gonna end up like him. Do you really want that?". Of course, I'm here thinking 'Wow mom, now you're discriminating against hobos and calling me dumb all in one blow?' She, being a mother, does not find any humour in my thoughts, but that's because she's no fun.

Still, if I had a million dollars I'd go crazy. There's so many things that I want. I want chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate. I need a really cool suitcase for when I travel. I want coloured contacts and a new Ipod. I also really want to do something cool like Tae Kwon Doe, except not because I shout like a girl. Everyone else is like "KYAH!" and I'm there "...ahhhh?". Still, I don't know what but I want to take some sort of class where you move around. I guess you could call it a sport.

I'd ask you for ideas of what I could take as a class but no one actually reads this (that aren't my friends) so...that's sort of pointless and I sound dumb and cocky.

I Don't Get It

I'm not looking forward to school tomorrow. New term, new semester, and...gym. *gulp* I usually wouldn't think much of it but it's especially freaking me out because I have no idea how the heck it works? So they have showers...they don't actually expect us to use them so they? And the whole getting changed...what exactly do you wear for gym? Do you wear sweat pants? Or shorts?

Another thing. Why does no one sell shorts anymore for girls that don't end up right below your butt? Where have all the basketball shorts gone?? The salesperson actually told me to look in the guys section but their shorts are all to big.

I really don't want to have marks taken off for not getting changed but I wish they'd just let us wear jeans. I mean, really, what's the harm? I'm sure I can suck just as badly in normal clothes as I could in gym clothes.

I wish they'd just give us gym clothes and be like "WEAR IT!". That would be so much easier, don't you think?